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01. |
Analysis of Reservoir Water Variation in Gubi Dam Treatment Plant
I Abdullahi, U Tsoho, S D Ahmad, I Suleman and K B Ibrahim
01-15 |
02. |
Impact of climate change effecting Decline on Migration Birds of Bhadalwadi Lake Indapur Taluka M.S India
U.S .Gantaloo, Sangeeta B Dongare
16-20 |
03. |
Software Evolution: Past, Present and Future
P.I. Okwu and I.N. Onyeje
21-28 |
04. |
Prospects of Wave power in Bangladesh
Shah Md. Salimullah, Md.Monjur Ellahi Rafi , M.R.I. Sheikh
29-35 |
05. |
Thermal Analysis of laminated (Copper – Graphite) as Heat Spreader Material
Edwin Okoampa Boadu, Yuan Lin
36-47 |
06. |
Green cooperative communication network using solar energy sources
Sanjay kumar, jaya diptilal, S.V charhate
48-56 |
07. |
Human Induced Environmental Factors and Mosquito Breeding in Enugu Urban-Nigeria
Okoye, C. O and Nwachukwu, M. C.
57-63 |
08. |
An Empirical Study of the Probabilistic Program Dependence Graph
Ms. Pushpanjali Patra, Ms. Syeda Ayesha Thainiath
64-72 |
09. |
Improvement of Quality of a Modern Commercial Silk Mill through effective Process and Machine Control Parameters
Dr. Swapan Kumar Ghosh, Abir Baran Das, Rajib Bhattacharyya
73-79 |
10. |
Evaluation Strategy Michael Porter's five forces model of the competitive environment on the dairy industry (Case Study: Amoll Haraz Dvshh dairy company)
Mohammad Bolorian Tehrani, Faezeh Rahmani
80-85 |
11. |
A comparative study of the impact of office technology in the creation of intellectual capital in the utility and telecommunications companies in Mazandaran province (Iran)
Ebrahim Hallajian, Fatemeh Monfared
86-92 |
12. |
A Study of The Hygroscopic Properties Of Hollow Sandcrete Blocks
Samuel Sunday Omopariola
93-97 |
13. |
The "Tri-Tronic" Universe?...(A New Theory On "Plate-Tritronics")
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha,
98-109 |
14. |
A Step Towards Environmental Waste Management And Sustainable Biofuel (Ethanol) Production From Waste Banana Peelings
Nazim Ali, Pravin Ubhrani, Mohit Tagotra, Manohar Ahire
110-116 |
15. |
Neural Network Model of the Process Nickel-Smelting of Copper Raw Materials in Furnaces
Osamah Rabab'ah, and Amin Saif Ahmad
117-122 |
16. |
Varied Plasma Level have impact on "GENETIC VALUE"?... A new theory on " Species matter")
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha,
123-138 |
17. |
Mobile Cell Selection In 4G Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) Networks
Murtadha Ali Nsaif Shukur, Kuldip Pahwa, H. P. Sinha
139-150 |
18. |
Finite Element Simulation of Ball-On-Tennis Racket Impacts Using ABAQUS/CAE
Dawit Bogale, Sewnet Alemu
151-155 |
19. |
Mössbauer Spectra and Electric relaxation of some iron bismuth borate glasses
H. M. Gomaa, A. G. Mostafaa, K. H. Idress, and A.H. El-Dosokey
156-168 |
20. |
The Expected Number of Real Zeros of Random Polynomial
A. K. Mansingh, P.K.Mishra
169-178 |
21. |
Effects of Process Parameters on the Yield of oil from Castor Seed
Mbah, G.O, Amulu, N.F, Onyiah, M.I
179-186 |
22. |
A Multi Boost and Full Bridge Converters for Power Management for Hybrid Vechicle by Battery and Super Capacitors
Mr.Vishnuvardhan Pasumarthi, Mr.Vivek Kota, Mr.Pradeep Chepuri, Mr.Krishna Mohan Tatikonda
187-192 |
23. |
On the Design of Next Generation Network Architecture for a Developing Economy
Nathaniel S. Tarkaa, and Cosmas I. Ani
193-202 |
24. |
Determine of Concentration of the Iodine in Household Salt in Albania
Enkeleda KADIU, chemist MD, Nurie GURI, chemist MD,
Jolanda Hyskaj DR
203-206 |
25. |
Marine Propeller Manufacturing – A New Approach
Yonas Mitiku Degu, K. Sridhar
207-211 |
26. |
Frequency Analysis of the Monthly Rainfall Data at Sulaimania Region, Iraq
Prof. Dr. Rafa H Al-Suhili, and Prof. Dr. Reza Khanbilvardi
212-222 |
27. |
Jallikattu Is Dravidian Veteran Sport?... (A new theory on "Dravidian Lion")
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha
223-229 |
28. |
Superiority of the Human Brain over the Computer World in terms of Memory, Network, Retrieval and Processing
Arunodhayan Sam Solomon D, Melwin, Banu, Sashikala
230-239 |
29. |
An Effective Review to Identify the Most Important Advances in Petroleum Production Engineering
Reza Cheraghi Kootiani, and Soroush chehrehgosha
240-248 |
31. |
Comparative Analysis and Bending Behavior of Cold form Steel with Hot Rolled Steel Section
Sachita.S.Nawale, Sangram Chaulkya, Dr.S.V.Admane
255-261 |
32. |
Health Care in Home Automation Systems with Speech Recognition and Mobile Technology
Jasmin Kurti, GünayKarlı, Ph.D
262-265 |
33. |
Convergence of Big Data and Cloud
Sreevani.Y.V., Sharat Vikas Jogavajjula
266-270 |
34. |
THAI-e ETHIA!... (A new theory on "Parliament")
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha
271-283 |
35. |
Supply Chain Integration and Logistics Management among BRICS: A Literature Review
Pravendra Tyagi, Prof G.Agarwal
284-290 |
36. |
Microwave (1GHz-30GHz) and Terahertz Radiation (3THz-30THz) Effecting the Sensory System for the Sense of Taste: The Gustatory Delights gets effected
P.K.Purohita, and Puja Verma
291-295 |
37. |
Design Study for Single Stage High Pressure Turbine of Gas Turbine Engines
Ajoko, Tolumoye John
296-305 |
38. |
Theoretical Design of adiabatic capillary tube of a domestic refrigerator using refrigerant R-600a.
Sahoo. K. C, Das. S. N
306-314 |
39. |
Families of Norms Generated By 2-Norm
Risto Malčeski, Katerina Anevska
315-320 |
40. |
Establishment and locating criteria of tall buildings
Salman Hasanvand, Mohammad Amin Khojaste, Meysam Rezaei
321-328 |
41. |
Mathematical Model for Predicting Corrosion Rates in Furnace Internal Wall Tubes of The Refinery Boiler
Edori, E. S, Edori O. S, Igwe, P. U.
329-334 |
42. |
Comparison of Experimental values with EC 4, ACI-318, AISC-LRFD of Concrete Filled Steel Fluted Columns for Concentric Load
Dr.B.R Niranjan, Eramma.H
335-344 |