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01. |
Physico Chemical Properties of higher polymers in petroleum Industry
Sudhaker Dubey, Kartikeya Dwivedi, Aarti Chaturvedi,
Prashant Dwivedi
01-07 |
02. |
Suitability of Birnin Gwari and Maraban Rido Clays as Refracory Materials
S.O Yakubu, M.Y. Abdulrahim
08-15 |
03. |
Fines Content and Angle of Internal Friction of a Lateritic Soil: An Experimental Study
G.O. Adunoye
16-21 |
04. |
Exploitation of Artificial Neural Networks Approach To Predict The Thermal Conductivity of Food Products In Nigeria
Ajasa,A.A., Akinyemi,L.A, Shoewu,O.O, and Adenowo, A.A.
22-29 |
05. |
Growth and optical properties of organic GOA crystals
Dr.Jyotsna R Pandey
30-36 |
06. |
Image Segmentation using bi directional of neural network
HimadriNath Moulick, Moumita Ghosh, Dr. Chandan Koner
37-47 |
07. |
Removal of Organic Based Oil and Grease from Food Service Facility Effluent Using a Laterite Column
H. Ajith Hebbar, K.S.Jayantha
48-50 |
08. |
I- Continuous Functions in Ideal Bitopological Spaces
Mandira Kar, S. S. Thakur, S. S. Rana, J. K. Maitra
51-55 |
09. |
An Approach To Design A Controlled Multi-logic Function Generator By Using COG Reversible Logic Gates
Shefali Mamataj, Biswajit Das
56-64 |
10. |
Concept of Hydrodynamic Load Calculation on Fixed Jacket Offshore Structures -– An Overview of Vertically Mounted Cylinder
Aliyu Baba
65-74 |
11. |
Quasi-Static transient Thermal Stresses in a Neumann's thin
Solid cylinder with internal moving heat source
D. T. Solanke, M. H. Durge
75-79 |
12. |
Influence Of Silicon Addition And Temperature On The Cyclic Oxidation Behaviour Of Sintered Hot Forged High Density Cu – 8.5% Al Alloy
(Mrs.) S. K. Pandey, & K. S. Pandey
80-90 |
13. |
Cloud Computing for Technical and Online Organizations
Hagos Tesfahun Gebremichael, Dr.Vuda Sreenivasa Rao
91-102 |
14. |
A comparative study on march tests for SRAMS
Mrs. Princy.P, Dr. N.M Sivamangai
103-112 |
15. |
Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Viscosity and Rheology of Water-Crude Oil Two Phases FlowBehavior at Different Water Volume Fractions
Rasha Mohammed Abd, Abdurhman H. Nour,
Ahmad Ziad Sulaiman
113-120 |
16. |
Development of a Networked Thumb Print-Based Staff Attendance Management System
Tolulope Awode, Oluwagbemiga Shoewu,
Oluwabukola Mayowa Ishola, Segun O. Olatinwo
121-126 |
17. |
Prioritization: A Means of Achieving Positive Rural Development In Nigeria
Amadi; D.C.A; Zaku Sabo; Idiege D.A; Maiguru Abel; and Oluronke Sobola.
127-131 |
18. |
The Use of Super Absorbent Polymer as a Sealing Agent in Plain Concrete
Mohammad Daoud, Moayyad Al-Nasra
132-137 |
19. |
Design of Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor Based Ultra Wideband Amplifier Using Stepped Impedance Stub Matching
Aayush Aneja, Mithilesh Kumar
138-143 |
20. |
Eucalyptus Biodiesel; an Environmental friendly fuel for Compression Ignition Engines
N. S Senthur, T. S Ravikumar, Cijil. B. John
144-149 |
21. |
Comparative study of Self Compacting Concrete mixes containing Fly Ash and Rice Husk Ash
B.H.V. Pai, M. Nandy, A. Krishnamoorthy, P.K.Sarkar,
Philip George
150-154 |
22. |
Development of the model of optimized parameters of quality of the raw water
Dragolav Ilic PH.D., Slobodan Stefanovic Ph.D., Nenad Janjic Mr, Damjan Stanojevic Msc
155-167 |
23. |
Motherhood Means Delivering Child?... (A new theory on "Thaimai")
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha
168-180 |
24. |
Software Theft Detection Using Birthmark Alg.
Dheeraj Kumar, Ms. Prince Marry
181-187 |
25. |
Inline Array Jet Impingement Cooling Using Al2O3 / Water Nanofluid In A Plate Finned Electronic Heat Sink
R. Reji Kumar, Nigussie Mulugeta
188-196 |
26. |
Assessment of heavy metal pollution in flooded soil of kudenda, Kaduna state. Nigeria.
M. Bashir, Y I Zakari, I G E Ibeanu, and U Sadiq
197-204 |
27. |
Effect of Superplasticizer on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Fly Ash
S. M. Dumne
205-211 |
28. |
Dynamic Response of Tray to Tray Temperature to Sudden Changes in Reflux Flow Rate in a Binary Distillation Column
Zekieni R. Yelebe, Seigha I. Fetepigi and Revelation J. Samuel
212-218 |
29. |
Face Feature Extraction for Recognition Using Radon Transform
Justice Kwame Appati, Gabriel Obed Fosu, Gideon Kwadzo Gogovi
219-224 |
30. |
Threshold based Bit Error Rate Optimization in Four Wave Mixing Optical WDM Systems
Er. Karamjeet Kaur, Er. Chakshu Goel
225-229 |
31. |
An investigation into the influence of friction damper device on the performance of steel moment frames
Amir Shirkhani, Naser Shabakhty, Seyed Roohollah Mousavi
230-237 |
32. |
Methods of quantifying operational risk in Banks : Theoretical approaches
Fatima Zahra El ARIF, Said HINTI
238-244 |
33. |
Maternal Stress and Mother-Child Interaction Style Amon the Mothers of Cerebral Palsy Children – A Qualitative Study
Nisha Rani, Dr. Nishi Tripathi, Shailly Singh
245-250 |
34. |
Perceptron system to assist in decision making and monitoring of quality of software development in Information Technology environments
Chau Sen Shia, Ivanir Costa
251-263 |
35. |
Synthesis And Characterization of Biodiesel From Nigerian Palm Kernel oil.
IGBOKWE, J. O. and Nwafor, M. O. I.
264-266 |
36. |
Effect of Microwave on Fluidized Bed Drying of Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)
Yashwant Kumar, Mohammad Ali Khan, and Krishna Kumar Patel
267-273 |
37. |
Stochastic Analysis of Benue River Flow Using Moving Average (Ma) Model.
A Saminu, R L Batagarawa, I Abubakar, U Tsoho, H Sani
274-279 |
38. |
Electrical Fault Analysis of 33KV Distribution Network (A Case Study of Ekiti State 33KV Distribution Network)
Kehinde Olusuyi , Temitope Adefarati, Ayodele Sunday Oluwole, Adedayo Kayode Babarinde
280-286 |
39. |
Corporate Networks: a Proposal for Virtualization with Cloud Computing.
Chau Sen Shia, Mario Mollo Neto
287-309 |
40. |
Performance Evaluation of 25MLD Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Kalyan
Prachi N. Wakode, Sameer U. Sayyad
310-316 |
41. |
Effect of primary materials ratio and their stirring time on SiC Nanoparticle production efficiency through sol gel process
Vahid Mazinani, Mahdiyeh Mallahi, Soheil Saffary, Mohammadamir Mohtashami, Saeed Maleki
317-321 |
42. |
Analysis urban life quality, case study residents of Rostamabad City
Akram Ali Reza poor, Hojjat Allah Sharafi, Hossein Ghazanfarpour
322-329 |
43. |
Microalgae: An Alternative Source of Renewable Energy
A. Z. A. Saifullah, Md. Abdul Karim, Aznijar Ahmad-Yazid
330-338 |
44. |
Correlation Development for Sauter Mean Diameter of Rotary Atomizer
Murali.K, S.Maya Kannan, M.Sivanesh Prabhu, Senthil Kumar SK B.Aathitha chozhan, N.Ashok kumar, T.Charlin devadoss,
P.Jeya kumar
339-345 |
45. |
A Review on Drapeability of Natural Fibre-made Fabrics
Dr. Swapan Kumar Ghosh, Chinmoy Dey, Kalyan Ray Gupta
346-358 |
46. |
Detrimental effect of Air pollution, Corrosion on Building Materials and Historical Structures
N. Venkat Rao, M. Rajasekhar, Dr. G. Chinna Rao
359-364 |