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01. |
PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems Using PTS: With New Phase Sequences
Vrushali P. Phale, Dr. S. K. Shah
01-07 |
02. |
Mobile Wireless Peer-To-Peer Network with Higher End-To-End Throughput And Lower End-To-End Delay
Md. Sajjatul Islam, Md. Zainal Abedin, Sudam Das
08-21 |
03. |
LZW Data Compression
Dheemanth H N,
22-26 |
04. |
Remarks on one S.S. Dragomir's Result
Katerina Anevska, Risto Malčeski
27-29 |
05. |
Confined Photonic Modes in the Fabry-Pérot Based Photonic Crystal Nanobeam Cavity Structures with Mixed Tapered Air-Holes and Curved-Wall Cavity
AhmadrezaDaraei*, AtefehMohsenifard
30-35 |
06. |
Correlation of social enviroment with parameters of management white managing entrepreneurship
Professor Slobodan Stefanovic PhD, Professor Radoje Cvejic PhD, Dragan MilosavljevicPhD, Professor Dusko Kostic PhD,
Vladan Vucic PhD
36-43 |
07. |
Availability Assessment of Generating Units of Balimela Hydro
Electric Power Station (510 MW) – A Markovian Approach
Subhasish Dash, Devadutta Das
44-49 |
08. |
Use of Water Extract of Moringa Oleifera Seeds (WEMOS) in Raw Water Treatment in Makurdi, Nigeria.
Aho, I.M. and Agunwamba, J.C.
50-53 |
09. |
Improving Condensate Recovery Using Water Injection Model at Dew-Point Pressure
Udie, A. C:, Nwakaudu, M. S.:, C.I.C. Anyadiegwu:,
S. I. Onwukwe:, Enenebeaku, C. K
54-62 |
10. |
Analysis of a queuing system in an organization (a case study of First Bank PLC, Nigeria)
Ezeliora Chukwuemeka Daniel , Dr. Engr. Chuka Emmanuel Chinwuko
63-72 |
11. |
Effect of Corporate Governance on the Survival and Sustainability of Banks In Nigeria
Olusanya Olufunso Omolade, Oluwasanya Adewale Tony
73-83 |
12. |
A review of qualitative inspection aspects of end fittings in an Indian pressurized heavy water reactor
Urva Pancholi, Dhaval Dave, Ajay Patel
84-89 |
14. |
Effects of Native Cassava Starch and Compatibilizer on Biodegradable and Tensile Properties of Polypropylene
Obasi, H. C., and Igwe, I. O.
96-104 |
15. |
Android Blood Donor Life Saving Application in Cloud Computing
T.Hilda Jenipha, R.Backiyalakshmi
105-108 |
16. |
Evaluation of Concrete Compressive Strength by incorporating Used Foundry Sand
Khuram Rashid, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram Tahir , Sana Nazir
109-116 |
17. |
Influence of Alkali Treatment and Fibre Content on the Properties of Oil Palm Press Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Biocomposites
Obasi H.C , Iheaturu N.C., Onuoha F.N, Chike-Onyegbula C.O, Akanbi M.N, Ezeh V.O
117-123 |
18. |
Optimization of cassava root sieviate medium to an enriched animal feed by Aspergillus niger
Mbah G.O. Edeani N.J
124-131 |
19. |
A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Segmentingand Identifying Defects in Glass Bottles
George Mathew, Arun J S, Kalpana K, Dr.J jaya, Jaina George, Janardhanan S
132-140 |
20. |
A Comparative Analysis of Modulus of Rupture and Splitting Tensile Strength of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Akinkurolere Olufunke Olanike
141-147 |
21. |
Flow Analysis of Upstream Fluid Flow using Simulation for Different Positions of Optimized Inlet Guide Vane in Centrifugal Air Compressor
Alok P. Tibrewala, Tushar J. Padave, Trushart P. Wagh,
Prof. C. M. Gajare
148-156 |
22. |
Renoprotective effects of moringa oleifera leaf extract on the kidneys of adult wistar rats
Ezejindu D. N., Udemezue O. O. Akingboye A.J.
157-161 |
23. |
Design of an Optimized Enzyme Catalysed Batch Bioreactor for the Production of Ethanol from Corn
Z. R. Yelebe and R. J. Samuel
162-169 |
24. |
Design of Discrete Optimal Multirate-Output Controllers Applied to a Hydrogenerator Power System
A. K. Boglou, D.I. Pappas and D.N. Sapοuntzis
170-183 |
25. |
Performance and Emission analysis of Compression Ignition engine in Dual fuel mode using Rice bran biodiesel and LPG
Hariram Venkatesan, Harshavardhann D
184-190 |
26. |
A Secure Hierarchical Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Poulami Dutta
191-203 |
27. |
Performance Analysis of a Grid connected Wind Energy system
Manju Khare, Ganga Agnihotri Yogendra Kumar, & V. K. Sethi
204-208 |
28. |
Critical Strength of steel Girder Web
Pratibha M Alandkar, Sandeep M Shiyekar, Mukund R Shiyekar
209-216 |
29. |
Information And Communication Technology (Ict): Catalyst For Enhancing The Intellectual Capacities of Educationists And Closing Observed Skill Gaps of Graduates In Higher Education Institutions In Nigeria
Olusanya Olufunso, OluwasanyaAdewale Tony
217-229 |
30. |
Effect Of Strategic Planning On The Growth And Survival Of An Emerging Firm
Olusanya Olufunso Omolade, Oluwasanya Adewale Tony
230-239 |
31. |
Blind Source Separation Using Artificial immune system
Sunil Kumar.S, Arun J S, George Mathew, Varadharaju.G
240-247 |
32. |
Hydrological characterization of twelve water catchments in Nigeria
Afolayan, S.O., Adeyemo J. A., Otieno F. A. O. and O.I. Ojo
248-252 |
33. |
Chemical reaction effect on MHD Free Convection and Mass Transfer Flow past a Vertical Flat Plate with porous medium
Dr.R.K.Dhal & Dr.A.K.Mohanty
253-264 |
34. |
Analysis of Temperature and Rainfall Trends in Vaal-Harts Irrigation Scheme, South Africa
Josiah Adeyemo, Fred. Otieno, & Olumuyiwa Ojo
265-269 |
35. |
Application of Artificial Neural Network For Path Loss Prediction In Urban Macrocellular Environment
Joseph M. Mom, Callistus O. Mgbe, and Gabriel A. Igwue
270-275 |
36. |
Bank credit risk management to corporate customers in the province DEA approach
Ali Sorayaei, Amir Shahabi, Zahra Atf
276-281 |
37. |
Characterization of dielectric constant of solid materials (Leather belt) at X-Band
Ambika Singh, Shashanka Sekhar Behera, Anand Maheshwari, Sudhakar Sahu, Pravanjana Behera, Dinbandhu Mandal
282-285 |