S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
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01. |
Blade Element Momentum Theory for Wind Turbine Blade
Design |
02. |
Strengthening of Concrete Columns under Axial Loading Condition with FRP |
03. |
Real-Time 3D Image Reconstruction of Urban Underground
Water Pipeline Network: A Review |
04. |
A Review of Facial Detection and Recognition Techniques |
05. |
Experimental Study on Two-Layer Reinforced Concrete Beam
with One Layer of Clam-Shell Aggregate Concrete |
06. |
Simulation of Effective Power Provision Using Solar Photovoltaic
Cells for Essential Load |
07. |
Enhancing Information Security in Android Smart Devices Implementing Steganography and AES to Hide Secret Messages inside an Image |
08. |
Managing Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Using Bayesian Theory and Probabilistic Reasoning |
09. |
An Experimental and Numerical Study of Asphaltene-Induced
Formation Damage during CO2 Miscible Flooding |
10. |
Evaluation of the flange rigidity index J - versus the k - factor
approach for large diameter integral type shell girth flanges |
11. |
Analysis of Changes in Overpass Bridge Project Contract
(Case study Bridge Overpass at Kilometer 54 + 050 Marabahan-
Margasari Road) |
12. |
Interface Strength Parameters Analysis Between
Palang karaya Sands and Geotextile |
13. |
Swelling - Shrinkage Potential Reduction of Expansive Soils
Stabilized with Irvinga Gabonesis Fibre |
14. |
Characterization Performance of Composite Stabilizer Materials
on Soft Clay Soils Modification for Highway Pavement |
15. |
Multipurpose Rechargeable Battery Module |
16. |
Development Analysis of Remote Indigenous Community
Settlement in South Borneo |
17. |
Geodesic angle and technology |
18. |
Stability Analysis of Slopes Based on Limit Equilibrium and
Finite Element Methods for Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project,
Pakistan- Case Study |
19. |
The Effect of Particle Distribution on Permeability of the Base Coarse Class A |
20. |
Improved Performance Analysis of PAL Television Error Value Correction using Inverse Matrix Generator Model |
21. |
A new scheme to reduce PAPR of the OFDM system combining Hann Peak Windowing and Single Pooling method |
22. |
Hardware Based Internet-Of-Things Security Architecture For Communication Between Machines |
23. |
Wear behaviour of Al6063 Alloy Based Reinforced with Graphite-Rice Husk Ash-Copper Nanopaticles |
24. |
Hardware Based Internet-of-Things Security Architecture For
Communication Between Machines |
25. |
Evaluation of Network Reliability Investments Costs and
Resultant Electricity Pricing in Nigeria |
26. |
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity: the use of gamification as a
strategy in mobile development in Brazil |
27. |
Control System Design of Linear QuadraticProportional-Integral-
Plus (LQ-PIP)Controller for MIMOSystems |
28. |
Multi-objective topological reconfiguration of a Low Voltage
electrical distribution network by optimal repositioning of MV /
LV multi-transformers using Elitist Algorithms of the NSGA-II
type |
29. |
Application of Nature Inspired Search Based Optimization
Techniques in a Restructured Electric Power System; a Review |
30. |
Effect of Kastamonu Red Clay Addition on Color Properties of Ceramic Engobes |
31. |
Evaluation of Failure and Success Factors for Information
System Security Management |
32. |
Combustion Profiles of Fuel Briquettes Produced from Alkali Treated and Untreated Sugarcane Bagasse |
33. |
Effects of Power Distribution Feeder Monitoring and Service
Restoration through Cloud Computing on System Efficiency
Improvement |
34. |
Characterization Of Locally Refined Dual Purposekerosene(DPK) In The Niger Delta, Nigeria |
35. |
Review on Tsunami Wave Propagation and Their Interaction with Structures |
36. |
Effects of Binder Ratio on the Combustion Profile of Bambara Nut Shell Briquettes |
37. |
Review of Buffer Approach to Compensate Unknown Nozzle Loads |
38. |
Strength Relationship of Metakaolin Blended Laterite Rock Concrete |
39. |
In vitro digestibility of Echinochloa crus pavonis, Pennisetum
purpureum and Tripsacumlaxum in dry season in southeastern
Gabon |
40. |
Structural and Stratigraphic Mapping of "Patty" Field, Onshore
Niger Delta, Nigeria.
41. |
Aerobic Composting of Cow Dung with Rice Straw Biomass |
42. |
Predict the Crude Oil Density, Gas Specific Gravity and Molecular WeightUsing Artificial Intelligence |
43. |
Study of Application of Safety and Health Work in the Implementation of Construction Project Work |