S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
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01. |
The Influence of Sports Socks Structures on Its Functional Properties |
02. |
The Epr-Argument and the Quantization of energy in the energy- Caves |
03. |
Preference Moda Choice Of Passenger Between The Highway And The Steel Road By Using Binary Logistic Regression (A Case Study on Surabaya-Yogyakarta Public Transportation) |
04. |
Influence of Chemical Composition Variation and Heat
Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 6xxx
Alloys |
05. |
Effective Management of Wastewater Treatment Plant to Reduce
the Effect of Effluent on Location Soil |
06. |
Analysis of Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
Network in Port Harcourt under Different Loading Conditions
Using Erlang - B Techniques |
07. |
Evaluation of Network Reliability Investments Costs |
08. |
Cloud Computing Accessibility Evaluation Tool: a tool for
assessing level of ICT Integration in Education |
09. |
Chitosan films formulated with mintand lemongrass extracts |
10. |
An Enhanced 60 Amps Single-Phase Automatic Power Change-
Over Switch System |
11. |
SWOT Analysis for Public–Private Partnership Implementation
in Egypt |
12. |
Assessment of the Flow-Induced Corrosion Behaviour of Welded
Low Alloy Steel in Seawater Environment |
13. |
The Effectiveness of Two-Layer Reinforced Concrete Beam with
Different Grades of Concrete |
14. |
Deep Learning with a particular focus on Architectures,
Application and Recent Trends |
15. |
Vegetable Disease Control Problem Discussion |
16. |
Study on the Effect of Energy Losses on Diesel Power Plant
Efficiency (Case Study at Diesel Power Plant at Human Resources
Development Center for Electricity, New Renewable Energy and
Energy Conservation) |
17. |
Early identification of lowest responsive bid in competitive
bidding process of construction projects |
18. |
Performance Analysis Of Management Consultancy Tasks In A
National Road Agency In Indonesia |
19. |
A New Approach for Evaluation of Water Reuse Opportunities in
a Brazilian Thermoelectric Power Plant using the Water Sources
Diagram Method |
20. |
Effect of Particle sizes on Percentage yield and fuel Property
Characterization of Bio-Ethanol Derived from Cadaba Farinosa
Forskk Shrub in Northern Nigeria |
21. |
The influence of the brittleness index on fibrous normal strength
concrete beams under pure torsion |
22. |
Reliability and Fault Analysis of Electrical Distribution System:
A Case Study of Kafanchan Distribution Substation in Kaduna
State, Nigeria |
23. |
The Use of Supervised Learning Neural Network to Approximate
Missing Data in Database |
24. |
Optimisation of Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) For A Refinery Centrifugal Gas Compressor (14k01) |
25. |
The Acceptance, Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Kolang-Kaling (Arenga pinata) and Mulberry Fruit (Morus nigra L.) Jam Sheet |
26. |
Improvement of Circular Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna Performances Using Triangular and Pentagonal Shaped Patches |
27. |
AC Mains Harmonics Compensation Approach by Passive Multipulse AC-DC Converter |
28. |
The Influence of Austenitizing Temperature and Austempering
Time on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of
Alloyed Austempered Ductile Cast Iron |
29. |
Design of an Intelligent Warehouse Transportation System |
30. |
Qualitative determination of an amide of unknown fragmentation
pattern using Gas Chromatography – MassSpectrometry |
31. |
Optimal Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Systems Using Grasshopper Optimization for Power Loss and Energy Cost Minimization |
32. |
Experimental Assessment of Performance And Emissions For Diesel Engine Powered With Biodiesel And HHO |
33. |
A Novel Geographic Information System –Decision Supporting System Siting Model for Wind Farms Industry in Egypt |
34. |
Syngas Production from Biomass Using Gasification Process: An Experimental Studyfor Diesel Engine |
35. |
Solar Stills Performance and Productivity Enhancement Methods – A detailed Review |
36. |
Heat Transfer By Ionic Nanofluids In The presence of magnetic field Via Finite Volume Method |
37. |
Effect of Swirling Flow on Recirculation Ratio and Mixing in a Flameless Combustor |
38. |
Humidity Control Using Liquid Desiccant system driven by Solar Energy |
39. |
Desalination via Waste Heat Recovery from Diesel Engine |
40. |
Mixture Quality Controlling In DISI Engine Fuelled with Methane |
41. |
Improving Adsorption Capacity of Activated Carbon for Cooling Applications |
42. |
Effect of Sr2+doping on the structural and dielectric properties ofBaTiO3 lead free piezoelectric ceramics |
43. |
Integral Sliding Mode Controller for Grid-Tie Wind-Energy Conversion System Based PMSG |
44. |
Gold-Platinum Binary Nanocatalysts for Enhanced Ethylene Glycol E0lectro-oxidation |
45. |
A simple New Developed Model for Forecasting the Solar Radiation in Egypt |