•  Certificates: Volume-9 ~ Issue-12 ~ (December-2020)
    S.No. Manuscript Title Download
    01. Arduino Uno Controlled Robotic Radar System Object Detector Using Ultrasonic Sensor
    02. A numerical study on seismic characteristics of step back buildings considering SSI effect
    03. A New Modelingof Six-Phase Induction Generator for wind Turbine
    04. Experimental Investigation on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled by Syngas and HHO gas
    05. Approachto Design Acontinous Speech Detection and Identification of Various Individual
    06. Study on Causes, Effects and Remedial Measures of Building Defects in Case of Public Building Project in Nekemte Town, Ethiopia
    07. Effect of contributing shell and nozzle length on pressure capacity
    08. An Evaluation of the Condition of Road Side Drainage Networks of Area Bz, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
    09. A Comparison between Using Finite Difference and Limit Equilibrium Methods for Landslide Analysis of Slopes Containing a Weak Layer
    10. A Review of the Reduction of Micro-bending Losses in Optical Fiber Cable Using Optisystem Approach
    11. Biogas Production Potential of Moringa (oleifera L.) Residues at Mesophilic Temperature
    12. A Review of Project Management Process and Ethical Practices Influences on Building Performance
    13. Readiness of Students in the New Normal Learning: An Assessment in Baguio City and Benguet Province
    14. An Effective Communication Architecture for Nigerian Electricity Market: A Panecea for Electric Power Stability And Economi C Growth
    15. Analysis of 11kV, Obi-Wali, Rumuigbo Distribution Network for Improved Performance using Predictive Reliability Assessment Method
    16. The impact of Artificial intelligence on surveillance camera system "Facial recognition growth
    17. Urban geology of Barisal District: Environmental and geological constraints
    18. Processing of 3D Radargrams Using Morphological Operations
    19. Optimization of Generation Cost for Economic Operation of Sapele Thermal Power Plant using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Method