S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
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01. |
Kinematics and Compliance Correlation between a Multibody Model and Anexperimental Vehicle to a Center Of Excellence in Vehicle Dynamics Simulation |
02. |
Reflections on the forms of socio-political organizations in precolonial Africa |
03. |
Prediction of Dew Point Pressure for Gas Condensate Reservoirs Using Artificial Neural Network in the Niger Delta |
04. |
A Comparative Analysis of Decylamine and Phenol in Water-In- Oil Emulsion Demulsification Process |
05. |
The Use of Renewable Energy as an Alternative Power Supply to New Faculty of Management Science Building Rivers State University, Port Harcourt Nigeria |
06. |
Computerization of Gas Turbine Performance Using Gas Path Analysis and Artificial Intelligence |
07. |
Network Development of Clean Water Distribution of Palangka Raya City by Constructed the New Intake in Tumbang Rungan |
08. |
A Proposed Model for Determining a Level of Corruptionin Nigeria Using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Frawework |
09. |
Photocatalytic Degradation of Pyrimethanil by the Two Commercial Catalysts under Artificial Irradiation |
10. |
Adsorption of Selected Heavy Metals Using Agricultural Waste: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies |
11. |
Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Based Mud Using Almond Oil, Castor Oil and Groundnut Oil |
12. |
Beneficial Use of Class N Pozzolana on Some Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Black Cotton Soil for Construction of Flexible Pavement |
13. |
A Study on Language Processing Policies in Compiler Design |
14. |
Study of Al Degrader to Optimize Muonium Production from Silica Aerogel Target at J-PARC/MUSE |
15. |
NR-12 Considerations and its Importance in Prevention of Work Accidents |
16. |
Surety Bond Underwriting Process with Scoring Techniques |
17. |
The influence of external factors in the process of learning at the secondary level |
18. |
Analysis of Insulators for Distribution and Transmision Networks |
19. |
A Binomial Approach for Redefining Risk Assessments of Latent Hostile Hazards |
20. |
Development Of Dosage Methodology For Mortar To Plaster |
21. |
Comparative Performance Study of Floating Caliber Ventilated Disc Brake and Fixed Caliber Solid Disc Brake |
22. |
Analysis of Heat Transfer on the Heat Exchanger of Furnace Boiler Circulating Fluidizing Bed in the Power Plant |
23. |
Deep learning introduction and visualization |
24. |
The Influence of Cutting Parameters on Surface Roughness When Milling C45 Steel Using PVD-Coated Insert |
25. |
Design and Fabrication of a Motorized Oil Palm Fruit Rotary Digester Machine |