S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
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01. |
Impact of Infill Approach to Sustainable Urban Environment Development |
02. |
Effect Of Organic Modification On The Structural And Adsorptive Properties Of A Nigerian Ajegunle Natural Clay And Its Application For Removal Of Lead And Nickel |
03. |
A Comparative Study on the Mechanical Behaviour of Copper-12wt% Aluminium Alloy Reinforced with Ti, Cr and Ni Granules |
04. |
Solid State Transformer (SST) For Smart Application in Power System |
05. |
Comparison Between Traditional and Modern Architectural Identity |
06. |
Equation tree or ABL tree to represent data with high security |
07. |
Direct Visualization of Covalent Chemical Bonds in Crystalline Silicon |
08. |
ABCT Operating system with Half to First scheduling and Interrupt Generate Tasks |
09. |
Improving Power System Stability in Distribution Network with Intelligent Distributed Generation Scheme |
10. |
Evaluation of the Hybrid Pneumatic Vehicles According To a Standard Driving Cycle |
11. |
Preliminary Scaling Relations of Moment Magnitude With Local Magnitude And Seismic Moment, For Albania |
12. |
Development Of An Internet Of Things(IOT) Based Industrial
Security And Safety System Using Arduino |
13. |
Operational Station Horizontal Plane Motion Maneuvering of
FPSO in Shallow and Deep Water |
14. |
Building an EEG-based BCI systems for Remote Device Control
using CNN network |
15. |
A "Specific" Drone for Night Time Aerial Wildfire Fighting
& Drugs Plantations Fumigation |
16. |
Improvement of Power Systems Protection Using Application of Artificial Neural Network. A Case of Rukpokwu 33kv Port Harcourt Distribution Network |
17. |
Vibration Signature Analysis of One Cylinder Engine |
18. |
Application of Migration in Areas of Complex Geology: Case Study of parts of Basement Complex of Northern Nigeria |
19. |
Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Crude Oil Spill Sites in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria |
20. |
The Effect of Think-Pair-Share Type of Cooperative Learning Model Associated With Autograph Software Media on Mathematic Problem Solving Ability of Students in Unggul Subulussalam State Senior High School |
21. |
The effect of smoke evacuation system on sprinkler performance in Conference Halls by using CFD programs |
22. |
Use Alfalfa Grown On Contaminated Land as an Energy Crop For Biogas Production |
23. |
Strategic Approach based on Cybersecurity for National Educational System |
24. |
Effect of storage duration on the acid value stability of sesamum indicum and arachis hypogaea raw oils reinforced with TBHQ and capsicum annuum extracts |
25. |
Development Of Predictive Model For Heavy Metals In Soil Of Lagos State University, Lagos State, Nigeria Using Response Surface Design |