S.No. |
Manuscript Title |
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01. |
Copolymerization of (P-Chlorophenoxycarbonyl)-Cyclopropyl Styrene with Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate |
02. |
Assessment of Oil Spillage on Groundwater and Soil Quality In Ijegun Area Of Lagos State, Nigeria |
03. |
A Comparison of Characteristics of 4D 2FSK-MPSK and 2D MPSK Signals |
04. |
About Moving the Boat through A River |
05. |
Obtaining and characterization of hydroxyapatite through the modified polymeric percursors method |
06. |
Sensitivity Analysis of Pressure Gauges Used in Niger Delta For Effective Pressure Measurements for Drilling Operations, Reservoir Data Analysis and Well Testing |
07. |
Thermal - Decomposition and Conversion of Plastic Wastes to Diesel Fuel |
08. |
Free Span Analysis of an Offshore Pipeline in the Gulf of Guinea |
09. |
Measurement and Evaluation of Earthing Parameters for Improved RSU Injection Substation Using Polynomial Technique |
10. |
Determination of Drying Mass Constants of Selected Fruits Using Empirical Method |
11. |
Design of A Microcontroller Based Mobile Security Lighting Control System |
12. |
Effect of Bamboo Ash on Moisture Damage in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Concrete |
13. |
The Use of Red Fruit Dregs Supplementation to Physical and Chemical Quality of Quail Egg |
14. |
Total Quality Management – An Instrument for Improving Organizational Efficiency |
15. |
The Effects Of Calliandra Leaf Addition As Tanin And Myristic Acid Sources In Complete Feed Based On Corn Straw To Volatile Fatty Acid Partial Concentration And Ammonia Concentration (Nh3) In Vitro |
16. |
The Effect of Teak Leaf Extract (Tectona grandis Linn. f) on Feed to Laying Quails |
17. |
Evaluation of pipeline flanges subject to internal pressure and imposed external loads |
18. |
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Heavy Vehicle Dynamics Loads on Terrain |
19. |
Reducing Waste In Plastic Seed Cleaning Process in Injection Machine with Design of Experiment Method |
20. |
Inclusion Effect of Teak Leaf Extract (Tectona grandis Linn.f) on The Laying Quail Feed to The Intestinal Characteristics |
21. |
Difficulty Analysis of Mathematic Problem Solving and Mathematic Communication with the Application of Learning Models Tapps (Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving) |
22. |
An Optimized security service to cloud with high performance Architecture |
23. |
Recognition of Antimicrobial Peptides by Neural Networks |
24. |
The projection of Smart city at the territorial level. The City's Ecosystem as Leverage |
25. |
Studying the Effects of Latex on Compressive Strength of Concrete |
26. |
High Voltage Direct Current, a Novel Technical Applied in Transmission Systems |
27. |
Investigation on the Antimicrobial Activity of Neem and Bush Cane Extracts on Emulsion Paint |
28. |
Optımızıng Hıgher Educatıon Wıth Economıc Layers |
29. |
Some Strategic Critical Sizes of China |
30. |
Identification and Reduction of Waste in an Industry (Ventura Leatherware Mfy Bd Ltd.) Using VSM (Value Stream Mapping) – A Case Study |
31. |
Study of Scattered Radiation Dose From Computed Tomography In Adamawa German Medical Centre, Yola, Nigeria |
32. |
Spatial Planning and Evaluation of Schools Distribution in the Eastern Unit - Port Sudan Locality - Red Sea State using GIS |
33. |
LEM Stability Analysis of Landslides Induced by Earthquakes: Impact of a Weak Layer |
34. |
Technical Diagnostics and Features of Measuring NPP Power Equipment Parameters |
35. |
Fault detection energetic approach through Directed Behavioral Hypergraph Formalism |
36. |
Upgrade Trans-Amadi 33kv Network For Protective Relay Coordination Using Short-Circuit Current Calculations Technique |
37. |
Optimizing Alkaline Surfactant Polymer (ASP) Flooding Using Gum Arabic for Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Practical Approach to Advancing the Development of Local Material for Oil Field Chemicals in Nigeria |
38. |
The Creation of NSDI in Albania and Harmonization of Geospatial Data, Case Study: Geographical Names |
39. |
Effect of Storage Conditions on Physicochemical Parameters of Rain Water |
40. |
Island Operation during Integration of Wind Turbine: A Case Study of Geregu Camp Distribution Network In Ajaokuta Nigeria |
41. |
Effect of Capillary Pressure on Estimation of Relative Permeability Using JBN Method |
42. |
Abrasive Treatment of Iron, Copper and Aluminum Alloys in Aqueous Binary Solutions of Polyalkylene Glycol-Sodium Alkyl Sulfate |
43. |
Analysis of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester System |
44. |
The Relationship between the Teacher's Perspective and Development Continuing Professionalism at SD N 36 Cengkeh Padang |
45. |
Optimization of the Electrical Characteristics of the Photodiodes based on III-Sb Antimonide by a Ga1-yAly Sb Window layer Deposit at the Ga1-xInxSb Emitter Surface |
46. |
Private Costs and Benefits of Traditional and Improved Brick Kilns in An Giang Province, Vietnam |
47. |
Assessment of Non-Revenue Water Management Practices in Nigeria
(A Case Study of Bauchi State Water and Sewerage Cooperation) |